What kind of medicine can I take to regulate chin acne caused by dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach?

Acne belongs to the category of “acne” in Chinese medicine, and chin acne caused by dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach can be regulated by taking Acne Pills and Golden Flower Anti-Acne Pills, and chin acne may also be related to Yin deficiency and fire, so you can take Zhi Bai Di Huang Pills under the guidance of a physician.
The Anti-Acne Pill has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness, detoxifying and dispersing toxins, and is commonly used in the treatment of shiny, oily facial skin caused by the accumulation of dampness, heat and toxins on the skin, with blackheads, pimples, pustules, nodules, and acne (i.e., pimples), accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth, a slimy taste in the mouth, and dryness in the stools, etc. The Anti-Acne Pill is also used in the treatment of acne. Pregnant women and people with cold spleen and stomach should be cautious of using it.
Jinhua Anti-Acne Pill is effective in clearing heat and fire, detoxifying and reducing swelling, and is often used in the treatment of acne, pimples, mouth and tongue sores, toothache, sore throat, as well as constipation, yellowish red urine, etc., caused by heatiness of the lungs and stomach. It should be noted that this medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women, and should be used with caution in cases of weakness of the spleen and stomach, and loose stools (thin, unformed stools).
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan has the effect of nourishing Yin and lowering fire, and can be used for symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweating (abnormal sweating after going to sleep and stopping after waking up), dry mouth and sore throat, tinnitus and spermatorrhea, and short and reddish urination (small amount of urination with dark yellow color) caused by Yin deficiency and fire exuberance. Patients with cold and fever should not take this medicine.
It should be noted that people who are allergic to the above drugs are forbidden to use it, and avoid eating spicy and greasy food during the period of taking the medicine. It is recommended to take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor if necessary.

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