What to do if your calf pores are clogged with black dots?

Calf pore clogging in the form of black dots, generally due to keratosis pilaris, which is a hereditary skin disease; the patient can be in the guidance of the doctor to clarify the disease through medication, and usually do a good job of skin moisturizing work.
1. Medication: Keratosis pilaris is caused by excessive keratinization around the mouth of the hair follicle, resulting in hair follicle blockage; in the treatment, you can choose to promote exfoliation or softening of the ointment, such as retinoic acid cream, urea cream and so on.
2. Skin moisturizing: for patients with perifollicular keratosis, the skin barrier function is damaged, so the skin is generally in a dry state; so patients can be improved by doing a good job of skin moisturizing, such as the use of body lotion containing allantoin or ceramide.
For patients with clogged calf follicles in the form of black dots, it is recommended to actively go to the hospital to clarify the cause of the disease, and then standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor. The medication should be used according to the doctor’s instructions.

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