What’s wrong with bleeding in the stool mixed with feces?

Bleeding in the stool mixed with feces is usually a condition in which stool and blood are mixed together. It generally suggests that there is gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal bleeding is further categorized into upper gastrointestinal bleeding and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Bleeding from different parts of the body varies in color and the way blood and stool mix together. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is mostly caused by rupture of blood vessels in the esophagus at the base of the stomach, or by peptic ulcers. Usually in this case the blood and stool are evenly mixed together and the overall color is dark. In general, ruptured blood vessels in the fundus esophagus bleed heavily, and the overall condition develops more rapidly, and can be accompanied by anemia, or even shock and coma and other emergencies. Bleeding caused by peptic ulcers is also a mixture of blood and stool, often accompanied by pain in the digestive tract. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, including hemorrhoids, colon polyps, colorectal cancer, etc., blood and stool are also mixed together, sometimes visible bright red-like blood. Regardless of whether it is upper gastrointestinal bleeding or lower gastrointestinal bleeding, when the patient sees bleeding and feces mixed together in the stool, the patient should immediately go to the hospital for corresponding examination and timely treatment to ensure that the condition can be controlled as soon as possible.

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