What’s wrong with a child who sleeps and wheezes louder?

Children’s sleep wheezing is louder, may be related to respiratory tract infection, allergic rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy.
1. Respiratory tract infection: If a child catches a cold, causing upper respiratory tract infection, edema of the nasal mucosa, causing nasal congestion, then the child’s wheezing will be louder when sleeping.
2. Allergic rhinitis: if the child has allergic rhinitis, the nasal mucous membrane is damaged and edema, there will also be sleeping gasping louder, may also be accompanied by nasal itching, sneezing and so on.
3. Adenoid hypertrophy: if the child’s adenoids hyperplasia, will lead to adenoid hypertrophy, will also appear nasal congestion, leading to the child sleep wheezing louder.
Children sleep gasping louder, there may also be other reasons, such as improper sleep posture and other physiological factors, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to determine the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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