Effects and contraindications of loquat leaves

Loquat Leaf is used to clear the lungs and stop coughing, reduce rebelliousness and vomiting (stop the upward flow of stomach qi and vomiting), and is useful in treating lung-heat coughs, rebelliousness and wheezing, stomach-heat and vomiting, and irritable heat (irritability and sultriness) and thirst. The contraindications of the drug are unclear. The medicinal source of loquat leaves is the dried leaves of loquat, family Rosaceae. The drug is bitter and slightly cold in nature, and belongs to the lung and stomach meridians. It has the effects of clearing the lungs and relieving cough, descending rebelliousness and vomiting, and can be used for treating lung-heat cough, rebelliousness and wheezing, gastric-heat and vomiting, and vexation-heat (irritability and sultriness) and thirst and other conditions. The adverse reactions and contraindications of the drug are not clear, but the drug is cold, so it should not be used by people with stomach cold and vomiting and wind-cold cough. At the same time, avoid eating spicy and stimulating food during the period of taking the medicine. If you need to use the drug, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital, under the guidance of a professional physician to identify the treatment.

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