What’s going on with the shoulder clicking when you move it?

Shoulder clicking may be a normal physiological condition, or it may be caused by some diseases such as frozen shoulder or cartilage injury. 1. Physiological conditions: Shoulder clicking is mostly due to the friction between the joints and the soft tissues around the joints when moving the joints, which is a normal physiological condition. 2. Frozen shoulder: Clicking during activity may be caused by frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a common disease, mostly caused by trauma or overwork. Inflammation exists in the vicinity of the shoulder joint in patients with frozen shoulder, and the joint may rattle when the patient carries out activities in the presence of inflammation. 3. Cartilage damage: If the joint has been traumatized, the articular cartilage may be traumatized, and the free body may cause rattling sound when the patient moves. In addition to the above reasons, shoulder laxity and subacromial impingement syndrome may also cause symptoms of rattling. If your shoulder clicks when you move, you should go to the hospital to get a clear picture of the cause and follow the doctor’s instructions after ruling out physiologic causes.

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