What’s wrong with a man’s left breast discomfort and vague pain?

Men’s left chest discomfort hidden pain may be related to heart disease, muscle strain, lung disease and other reasons. 1. heart disease: such as coronary heart disease, due to coronary artery stenosis, spasm can lead to myocardial ischemia, appear left chest discomfort hidden pain feeling. 2. Muscle strain: If the left chest muscle is strained due to strenuous activities, it can lead to edema of the local tissues and the phenomenon of vague pain in the left chest discomfort. 3. Lung disease: If the pleural effusion is caused by tuberculosis, the phenomenon of vague pain in the chest may occur. It is recommended that men who have discomfort and vague pain in the left chest go to the hospital in time to clarify the cause of the disease and standardize the treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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