Efficacy and effects of Xiaoqingkang Puerh Tea

Xiaoqingkang Puerh Tea is made from the peel of Citrus sinensis and Puerh Tea. The peel of Citrus sinensis is called Qingpi, and Xiaoqingkang Puerh Tea can bring out part of the effects of Qingpi, which can help to relieve the liver and break down qi, and eliminate stagnation and stagnation, but the effect of the medicine is limited, and it can not be used as a substitute for drug treatment. Qingpi is pungent, bitter, warm, and belongs to the liver, gallbladder and stomach meridians. The main effects of Qingpi are to relieve the liver and break down qi, eliminate stagnation and resolve stagnation. It is mainly used in the treatment of distension and pain in the chest and ribs, hernia pain, carbuncle, stagnation of qi due to indigestion of food in the stomach, and distension and pain in the epigastrium (stomach and abdomen). Note that this product is strong in nature and consumes qi, so pregnant women and people with qi deficiency should not use it. Pu-erh tea has no special medicinal effects. Tea has limited medicinal effects and is not a substitute for medication. If you feel unwell, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

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