What’s the burning sensation in the ankle that doesn’t burn when you touch it?

Ankle burning sensation to touch but not hot may be due to excessive exercise, injury or lumbar disc herniation. 1. Excessive exercise: excessive ankle exercise will make the ankle muscle tissues produce lactic acid, lactic acid stimulation of local nerves sometimes feel hot, but the epidermal temperature is not high, touching does not feel hot. 2. Injury: myofascial injury due to trauma or excessive exercise in the ankle, myofascial inflammatory reaction occurs at the myofascial area, inflammatory material stimulation can appear burning sensation, the skin is not hot. 3. Lumbar disc herniation: when the herniated part presses on the nerves innervating the ankle, the ankle will feel abnormal, and sometimes there will be a burning sensation, but the skin will not be hot to touch. Ankle burning sensation but not hot to touch may have other reasons, such as peripheral neuritis, etc., if after rest is not obvious, you should go to the regular hospital in a timely manner to consult the doctor according to the condition of the doctor to give the correct judgment of the specific cause of the disease.

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