Are you still having sex at forty-two?

Normal people at the age of 42, whether male or female, can have a normal sex life.
Normal people at the age of 42 belong to the young adults, the physical state, energy, physical strength is relatively strong period, this stage of the crowd’s sexual desire, sexual function is relatively good, can have a normal sex life.
However, some special groups of people may not be able to have sex due to a decline in sexual function and desire caused by certain diseases. For example, men with penile injury, hormonal disorders, diabetes, inflammation of the reproductive system and other diseases leading to male erectile dysfunction can not have sex temporarily. However, some patients can resume normal sexual life with active treatment.
Overall, 42-year-old people under normal circumstances can have a sex life, if there is a decline in sexual function need to go to the local formal public hospitals in time to check the cause of the disease for targeted treatment.

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