Is 19.5 cm penis length normal

A penis length of 19.5 centimeters is normal. There is no uniform standard for the length of the male penis, in most cases 10-15 centimeters in the erectile state can be considered normal, of course, the length of 19.5 centimeters is also normal. The penis stops developing after puberty, and if you have a prepuce or hidden penis before puberty, you will fall behind in penile development, resulting in a short penis, which requires early intervention. The length of 19.5 centimeters belongs to a relatively long situation, in daily life should pay attention to develop the habit of washing the genitals, and diligently change the intimate clothing and pants, maintain good personal hygiene, and is beneficial to genitourinary hygiene. If you find abnormalities in the penis in your daily life, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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