Do testicles get smaller?

It is possible for testicles to become smaller, on the one hand, it may be due to normal physiological shrinkage, on the other hand, it may also be due to pathologic shrinkage caused by testicular inflammation, testicular tuberculosis, hormone secretion abnormality. Physiological testicular shrinkage is mostly seen in elderly patients, with the increase of age, the secretion of various hormones in the body will change accordingly, when the secretion of sex hormone and testosterone in the patient’s body decreases, the testicular function is inhibited and atrophy occurs, thus physiological shrinkage of testicle occurs. When patients develop diseases such as orchitis and testicular tuberculosis, it may cause necrosis of testicular tissue structure, thus resulting in shrinkage of testicles. In addition, when the patient has endocrine diseases, such as pituitary tumor causing hormone secretion abnormality, it may cause the testicular secretion function to be inhibited, and secondary testicular atrophy occurs. It is recommended that patients should seek medical examination in time to clarify the cause of the disease and then carry out targeted treatment.

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