What can the Golden Chamber Kidney Qi Pills cure?

Jin Gui Kidney Qi Pill can treat kidney deficiency and edema, lumbar and knee weakness (a feeling of weakness and tenderness in the waist and knees), dysuria (unsmooth urination), and chills (fear of cold and cold limbs).
Jin Gui Ren Qi Pill is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, its main ingredients are Poria, Mudan Pi, Ze Xie, Di Huang, Shan Yao, Cornu Cervi Cornu (wine-roasted), Gui Zhi, Pseudostellariae (prepared), Cortex Pseudostellariae, Psyllium Hedys, and Psyllium Hedys. It mainly has the effects of warming and tonifying kidney yang (warming and replenishing kidney yang), transforming qi to move water (promoting the operation of gases, thus promoting the operation of water and liquid).
The drug is prohibited for pregnant women, and patients during the period of taking the drug, but also need to avoid intercourse and gas, and actively regulate the diet, avoid eating cold food, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug. The adverse effects of the drug are not clear.
The drug should be taken under the guidance of a doctor, avoid unauthorized use of medication, so as not to cause unnecessary effects on the organism.

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