What are the foods that move qi?

Food alone does not have the effect of moving qi. Some medicinal foods such as hawthorn, tangerine peel and rosehip can move qi.
Hawthorn is sour, sweet and slightly warm. It belongs to spleen, stomach and liver meridians. It has the efficacy of eliminating food and strengthening the stomach, promoting qi circulation and dispersing blood stasis, resolving turbidity and lowering fat (cleansing the body of impurities and reducing excess body fat), and is able to treat stagnation of meat and food, distension of the stomach and epigastrium, diarrhea and abdominal pain, blood stasis and menstrual dysmenorrhea (menstruation stopping due to stagnation of blood stasis and blockage of menstruation), and other disorders. It can also be used to treat hyperlipidemia.
Chenpi is sweet and flat. It belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. It has the effects of promoting qi and eliminating food, strengthening the spleen and opening the stomach, restoring breast milk (so that breast milk is reduced or no longer secreted) and eliminating flatulence. It can treat food stagnation (the accumulation of food in the stomach due to indigestion) that does not dissolve, fullness in the epigastric region (abdomen), stagnation of breast milk, breast distension and pain, and dystocia (pain in the area of the ribs and abdomen) due to depression of the liver.
Rose is sweet, slightly bitter and warm. It belongs to the liver and spleen meridians. It has the efficacy of promoting qi and relieving depression, harmonizing blood, and relieving pain, and can treat diseases such as poor appetite and vomiting, irregular menstruation, and breast distension and pain before menstruation.
It should be noted that hawthorn is used with caution for those who have weak spleen and stomach without stagnation and excessive secretion of gastric acid. Chen Pi should not be used if there is solid heat in the skin and the tongue is red with little fluid. Rosa mosqueta should not be used if there is insufficient qi and yin in the body. The adverse reactions and contraindications of the three medicines are not clear.
Moderate consumption of medicinal food has certain benefits, but food is not a substitute for medication, if there are symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, do not self-medication.

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