Which department for children with leg pain

Children with leg pain should be referred to pediatric orthopedics, pediatric vascular surgery, pediatric neurology, etc., depending on the other symptoms they have.
1. Pediatric orthopedics should be consulted when there is a history of trauma, or when there is suspicion of lower extremity fracture or contusion accompanied by localized swelling, bone bruising, or limitation of limb movement.
2. Pediatric Vascular Surgery should be consulted if there is any suspicion of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities with swelling, localized bruising, or extensive dilatation of the superficial veins of the lower extremities.
3. Pediatric neurology should be consulted for symptoms such as numbness, dyskinesia, and stiffness of the lower extremities, and for suspected local nerve compression and inflammation.
Family members should choose the appropriate department according to the child’s specific condition and follow the doctor’s instructions for appropriate treatment. If parents have any questions, they can consult the hospital’s medical desk to choose a department.

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