Can you take febuxostat tablets without gout for high uric acid

Febuxostat tablets are not recommended for high uric acid without gout. Febuxostat tablets are 2-aryl thiazole derivatives, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, with inhibition of uric acid production, the drug can be used for the long-term treatment of gout patients with hyperuricemia, but is generally not recommended for the treatment of patients with hyperuricemia who do not show clinical symptoms. Patients with hyperuricemia who do not have clinical symptoms but need to control uric acid can use allopurinol, benzbromarone and other uric acid-lowering drugs to control uric acid levels according to their specific conditions, personal constitution and other factors. Drugs need to be used under the guidance of a physician, it is recommended that patients with high uric acid who do not have gout go to the rheumatology and immunology department of a regular hospital for a detailed consultation and actively cooperate with the treatment, do not take medication on their own.

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