Difference between pentamidine microgels and pentamidine capsules

The difference between five ester micro-pills and five ester capsules mainly lies in the drug composition, dosage form and scope of application, the specific use of medication should follow the doctor’s instructions.
Five ester micro-pills of the drug ingredients is mainly the southern schizandra alcohol extract, dosage form is a pill, light brownish yellow to light brown concentrated pills; five ester capsule of the drug ingredients is mainly the Chinese schizandra, dosage form is a capsule, the content of light brownish yellow to brown particles.
Both have the effect is mainly to reduce serum ghrelin aminotransferase, suitable for the treatment of chronic hepatitis patients with ghrelin aminotransferase elevation, but the five ester capsule can also be used to treat patients with prolonged hepatitis ghrelin aminotransferase elevation.
The contraindications and adverse effects of both drugs are unclear. Specific medication matters should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist, not unauthorized use of drugs.

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