What are the effects of cypress leaf

Lateral cypress leaf has the effect of clearing heat and cooling the blood, relieving cough and phlegm, clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dispelling rheumatism, and can be used for the treatment of cough and phlegm caused by pneumonia and bronchitis, and also for the treatment of allergic asthma due to undesirable substances. It can be used for boils, folliculitis, mouth ulcers and dry mouth caused by excessive damp heat in the body, as well as for bleeding disorders caused by blood heat delusion, such as epistaxis, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding and purpura, etc. It can also treat hair loss, which is caused by excessive oil secretion in the body. It is also effective for hair loss caused by excessive oil secretion in the body. The medicinal properties of Phellodendron are cooling and should not be used by people with a cold spleen and stomach, and it has the effect of invigorating blood and stopping bleeding.

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