What to do if a child has an abscessed tooth decay

Tooth decay with pus in children usually indicates that the corresponding teeth of children have periapical inflammation, which needs to be treated in a professional oral health care institution. Children with tooth decay and pus in the gums is a common clinical symptom of apical inflammation. Root canal treatment is needed, and usually the affected tooth needs to be cut and drained first, and the inflammation needs to be controlled before the next step of treatment. When the inflammation is under control, root canal treatment can be performed on the baby tooth. Apical inflammation is usually accompanied by a number of other symptoms in addition to the appearance of pus, such as the patient will have obvious spontaneous pain or paroxysmal throbbing pain, the affected tooth will usually have a loose, floating feeling, most of the time there will be a swollen and painful gums, and in severe cases, even facial swelling or systemic infection and so on. This situation must take the child to the regular hospital in time for treatment, and parents are advised not to take care of it privately, so as not to cause secondary infections.

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