How to check the nerves in the brain

The nerves of the brain can be examined by EEG for abnormal brain discharges, but only for most patients with tics. Routine tests for brain lesions are head CT, head MRI, and cerebral angiography with CT and MRI. Then there are general tests such as angiography of the neck and Doppler of the intracranial segment to assess the degree of atherosclerosis, the presence of plaque and the speed of blood flow in the vessels, and the presence of stenosis. Lumbar puncture can be performed to check the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid. Uncommon tests, such as functional brain imaging and PET-CT, are also available. Most of these tests can be performed on the head, mainly CT and MRI. However, patients with epilepsy may need an EEG to further clarify the diagnosis.

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