Peaches hurt or nourish the stomach

At present, there is no relevant study in the nutrition and dietary related information to prove that the ingestion of peaches has the effect of hurting or nourishing the stomach. Peaches can be eaten in moderation in daily life.
Nutritional dietary information shows that peach meat is rich in nutrients, such as sugar, protein, fat, crude fiber, vitamin B1, iron, phosphorus, carotene and organic acids, etc., can be supplemented with trace elements or nutrients needed by the human body. Except for those who are allergic to peaches, they can generally be eaten in moderation.
Just out of the refrigerator peaches, avoid eating immediately, so as not to cause diarrhea due to too cold on the gastrointestinal tract caused by stimulation; then rotten peaches are prohibited from eating, so as not to cause acute gastroenteritis.
Peaches should be eaten in moderation, excessive intake will aggravate the burden on the stomach and intestines, especially for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, may cause indigestion and other symptoms.

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