What to take for esophageal burns

Most of the esophageal burns are caused after eating too hot food, the symptoms of post-sternal pain and discomfort, the clinical application of drugs mainly include acid-suppressing drugs, drugs to protect the mucous membrane and anti-inflammatory drugs.
1. Acid-suppressing drugs: mainly through the control of gastric acid secretion, to prevent gastric acid reflux caused by esophageal mucosal injury aggravation, the commonly used drugs are rabeprazole and so on.
2. Mucosal protection drugs: through the application of drugs to protect the mucosa, to prevent further damage to the mucosa from the outside world, commonly used drugs such as aluminum thioglycollate.
3. anti-inflammatory drugs: part of the population in the scald will be accompanied by bacterial infections, through laboratory tests, to determine the rise in white blood cells, you can apply amoxicillin and other drugs to control.
Specific medication, must be standardized under the guidance of clinicians; once obvious dysphagia as well as fever symptoms, the need to seek medical attention in a timely manner, under the guidance of clinicians standardized treatment.

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