What do you need to check for when a child is hit by a motorized vehicle

Children hit by an electric car need to be timely physical examination and imaging. 1. Physical examination: after the child was hit by an electric car, we should first look at the body surface to see if there is trauma, whether there is a shock manifestation, to see if there is swelling, bruising, activity is limited and so on. At the same time, we also need to see whether the child’s consciousness is clear, whether the vital signs are stable. If there is shock need timely rehydration, surgical treatment, trauma need timely disinfection suture bleeding, if there is other discomfort according to the severity of the disease to give appropriate treatment. 2. Imaging examination: after being hit by an electric car, it is necessary to perfect the imaging examination, common including liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidney ultrasound, chest and abdomen joint CT, head CT, if you consider the possibility of fracture, it is necessary to perfect the limbs of long bones and other tests to clarify the diagnosis. It is recommended that children hit by an electric car must go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid delaying the condition. At the same time, let the children do not strenuous activities, to avoid causing injury aggravation of the situation.

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