What’s wrong with having an erection in your sleep at night?

Penile erection at night sleep may be caused by morning erection, psychological and external stimulation, prostatitis and so on.
1. Morning erection: the continuation of the erection of the penis at night, often in the morning after waking up the phenomenon of penile erection, occurs in the early morning around 4 to 7 o’clock in the morning, the penis will unconsciously state erection.
2. Psychological and external stimulation: it may be due to a high libido, frequent sexual arousal, and penile erection at night, especially under external stimulation, such as tight underwear, penile erection will be more obvious.
3. Prostatitis: When prostatitis is more serious, it often leads to congestion and swelling of the prostate gland, which causes reflexive erections due to pressure on the surrounding tissues.
There are other reasons why you may have an erection at night. If it is caused by a disease, you can go to the hospital and find out the cause, and then target treatment or therapy.

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