How to adjust low progesterone

Patients with low progesterone must pay more attention to rest in their lives, while they can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as red grapefruit and kiwi. You can also supplement soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, soy skin, etc., because soy products contain more phytoestrogens, namely soy isoflavones, which have the effect of raising progesterone. If necessary, progesterone can be supplemented by oral or injectable means under the guidance of a doctor. If a pregnant woman has no history of miscarriage or a first pregnancy and has low progesterone without symptoms such as vaginal redness or abdominal pain, she can continue to be observed without special treatment and pay attention to regular maternity checkups. However, if low progesterone is accompanied by vaginal redness, lower abdominal pain and other symptoms of preterm miscarriage, you should go to the hospital promptly and take progesterone supplementation and other medications for fetal preservation treatment under the guidance of the doctor. Before the treatment, special conditions such as ectopic pregnancy and embryonic abortion should be excluded. If there is a previous history of miscarriage, luteal insufficiency and other medical conditions, low progesterone after pregnancy can be treated with oral progestin. In this case, oral progesterone should be discontinued only after the placenta has perfected its function, that is, after the third trimester. In addition, low progesterone can also occur when a woman has insufficient luteal function or problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary disease, thyroid disease, adrenal disease, or premature ovarian failure. In this case, it is recommended that women go to the hospital in a timely manner to clarify the cause and follow the doctor’s instructions to treat the cause. For example, progesterone can be supplemented under the guidance of a doctor for luteal insufficiency.

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