Can I conceive if my follicles are not round?

Follicles are usually not round, but commonly oval or nearly round, and do not affect conception as long as they are mature and functioning properly. Clinically, a normal mature follicle is 18mm-22mm in diameter, with relatively round, intact follicles and adequate surface tension, when the likelihood of conception at intercourse is high. If the follicles are of particularly poor tone, flat or irregular in shape, this usually means that the quality of the follicles is not very good, which may affect conception or cause the patient to suffer from miscarriage, abortion and other adverse symptoms after pregnancy. This condition is mostly associated with hormonal imbalance in the body and it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and if there is any problem, timely treatment and regulation. It is recommended to monitor ovulation under ultrasound and choose the timing of intercourse according to the maturity of the follicles, the chances of pregnancy will be increased. If the follicle is mature but not ovulating, you can use some ovulation medication under the advice of your doctor to promote the ovulation of your eggs so that you can conceive normally. As an organism, the maturation of follicles is also affected by the body’s systemic hormone levels and psychological state, so it is important to monitor other body indicators during pregnancy preparation, and try to keep your body and mind happy, with regular work and rest and diet.

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