Does herbal medicine for Klebsiella pneumoniae help?

Klebsiella pneumonia is the name of a Western medicine disease, which belongs to the category of lung carbuncle in Chinese medicine, and the disease can be treated with Chinese medicine. Lung carbuncle often manifests as high fever, malignant cold (fear of cold), coughing red brick-colored sputum, hemoptysis. According to the different stages of the development of lung carbuncle, it can be divided into the initial stage, carbuncle stage, pus stage and recovery stage, and different stages are treated with different Chinese medicines. At the early stage of lung carbuncle, it is manifested by fever, body pain, cough, asthma and increased sputum, etc. Yin Qiao San can be chosen to remove wind and heat, clear the lung and resolve phlegm. Avoid smoking, alcohol, cold and greasy food, and avoid taking tonic Chinese medicine. In the stage of carbuncle, manifested by worsening of fever, coughing and wheezing, yellowish and thick sputum, sputum with blood, etc., Qianjin Reed Stem Soup can be chosen to clear the lungs and resolve phlegm, and expel blood stasis and pus (to promote the discharge of stagnant blood and pus). It should not be used for cold lung and white sputum. In the purulent stage, coughing up and vomiting a large amount of pus and blood sputum with abnormal odor, add flavored Platycodonopsis Tang can be chosen to expel pus and detoxify the toxin. In the recovery stage, if the fever subsides, cough decreases and pus and sputum decreases, Sha Shen Qing Lung Tang can be chosen to benefit Qi, nourish Yin and clear the lung. It is not suitable for solid heat syndrome. It should be noted that, due to individual differences, under the guidance of the doctor to identify and treat the disease, the correct medication.

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