Can you have a medical abortion in the early stages of pregnancy with a bad embryo?

Early pregnancy when the embryo is not good, pregnancy within 7 weeks can be medicine, specific need to follow the doctor’s instructions. Early pregnancy when the ultrasound examination suggests that the embryo is not well developed, and under the guidance of the doctor after active treatment, the review still does not improve the need for timely termination of pregnancy. For pregnancy within 7 weeks can be given in accordance with the doctor’s advice to abortion, but when more than 7 weeks due to the pregnancy sac is larger, abortion is easy to cause abortion failure, so it is recommended to carry out artificial abortion, specific need to consult a professional doctor’s opinion. Early pregnancy embryonic development is not yet stable, we should pay attention to appropriate rest, appropriate increase in diet and nutrition, but also continue to take folic acid on time. Early pregnancy should also avoid the use of private medication, there are indications of the use of medication, must be used under the guidance of a doctor. In the clinic, when the ultrasound suggests that the embryo is underdeveloped, it is necessary to combine the progesterone and blood HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels, and actively preserving the fetus treatment.

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