How long does it take to fall off after taking abortion pills

  Medication abortion is a type of abortion and is suitable for pregnant women who are not more than 7 weeks pregnant and not more than 40 years old. Most of the abortions are performed about 6 hours after taking the medication, but the exact time can be different.  The abortion medication is taken as follows: Mifepristone is taken first, either in one dose or in 3 days, and Misoprostol is taken orally on the morning of the 3rd day for both methods. Under normal circumstances, the gestational sac can be expelled 6 hours after taking misoprostol; some patients can expel the gestational sac within 12 hours. If the sac is not expelled for more than 24 hours or is not completely expelled, the abortion is a failure and a curettage is required. After the sac is expelled, an ultrasound examination should be performed and the sac should be brought to the doctor to determine if the pregnancy tissue is completely expelled to avoid residual tissue in the uterus, which may make it difficult to repair the endometrium or even cause secondary infection.  Vaginal bleeding usually occurs to varying degrees after the expulsion of the pregnancy capsule, and the bleeding clears in 3-5 days or 7-10 days, mostly without any major impact on the body. In some women, vaginal bleeding can last for 2-3 weeks or even 1-2 months after a medical abortion. If the vaginal bleeding lasts for more than 2 weeks, the bleeding is heavy, or is accompanied by lower abdominal pain, fever, or cloudy and smelly leucorrhea, you should go to the hospital to find out the cause, and if necessary, perform an ablation.

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