Is complete remission of stomach cancer possible

Stomach cancer has the possibility of complete remission. Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor in digestive system. In early stage, the tumor volume is small and limited, and most of the patients are able to get complete remission after radical surgery in time, and some patients with high-risk factors may get complete remission after surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a period of time. Patients with intermediate and advanced stages of the disease often have metastatic spread of lymph nodes and distal organs, and the tumor volume is relatively large, which is not suitable for radical surgery, so only palliative surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other means of comprehensive treatment can be adopted to alleviate the condition and symptoms and prolong the survival cycle, and it is more difficult for them to achieve complete remission. It is recommended that patients actively cooperate with doctors to prolong the survival period.

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