What are the symptoms and treatment of pemphigus

Different types of aspergillosis will have somewhat different symptoms, and in terms of treatment is based on medication. 1. Symptoms. Pemphigus is categorized according to type into unusual pemphigus, value-added pemphigus, deciduous pemphigus, erythematous pemphigus and so on. (1) Ordinary type pemphigus: mainly manifested as the surface of the skin appeared flaccid blisters or blisters, blister wall is thin, the blister fluid is clear, and easy to break and form vesicles. (2) Value-added pemphigus: the lesions are initially thin-walled blisters, and after rupture, papillary granulomatous proliferation appears on the vesicles; the folded areas are prone to succumb to bacterial and fungal infections, and often have a foul odor. (3) deciduous pemphigus: blisters often occur on the basis of erythema, blister wall is thinner, easier to rupture, vesicles are not significant, in the superficial vesicles covered with yellowish-brown, greasy scabs and scales, such as deciduous, scab secretion by bacterial decomposition can produce a foul odor. (4) erythematous pemphigus: in addition to the common lesions of vesicles, scabs and blisters, it is more common to see erythematous scaly damage, accompanied by hyperkeratosis, facial lesions are mostly butterfly-shaped distribution, trunk lesions are similar to seborrheic dermatitis. 2. Treatment. The main target is to give systemic drug therapy such as glucocorticoid drugs (prednisone) and immunomodulators (cyclophosphamide), followed by attention to the protection of local skin lesions, to prevent secondary infections, aggravate the condition. At the same time, supportive therapy should be strengthened. Specific treatment must be carried out under the guidance of specialized physicians to avoid causing adverse reactions. Drugs need to be used in accordance with medical advice.

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