Are there many people with high risk of Down screening?

There are no clear statistics on the number of pregnant women with a high risk of Down screening, but in general, not many pregnant women have a “high risk” result. The accuracy rate of the common Down screening test is 60% to 70%, but it is only a prenatal screening method, a risk assessment, not a diagnosis. In other words, low risk does not mean no risk, and follow-up observation is necessary; high risk does not necessarily mean that a baby with Down’s syndrome will be born, but only a higher probability, and the vast majority of fetuses will be fine through reexamination. The high risk value of Down screening often predicts the chance of fetal abnormalities, such as fetal chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube abnormalities. Pregnant women with high risk of Down screening should undergo appropriate genetic counseling, followed by further prenatal diagnosis, such as non-invasive DNA testing and amniocentesis, to rule out abnormal fetal pregnancies.

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