What does bi-rads 4a mean?

BI-RADS 4a is an ultrasound classification of how benign or malignant a breast nodule is. 4a is one of the milder of the 4 grades, but carries some risk of malignancy. BI-RADS can be categorized into 0 to 6, the lower the number of levels, the higher the safety factor of breast nodules, as the level rises, the chances of malignant transformation of breast nodules gradually increase. 4 levels belong to the intermediate and high levels, with a certain degree of probability of malignant transformation, and among the levels of 4, they are divided into 3 categories: 4a, 4b and 4c. The 4a rate has a certain probability of malignant transformation, the probability of malignant transformation is about 2% to 10%, although the probability of malignant transformation is not large, but should also do a systematic examination. If the nodule is found to be relatively small and there is no obvious blood flow signal, regular observation is required. If the nodule suddenly increases in size, or if there is significant discomfort, pathologic tests such as puncture biopsy are needed to clarify the nature of the nodule. Once the diagnosis of BI-RADS 4a is confirmed during the examination, one should consult the hospital in time, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to do the corresponding examination, and actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment.

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