Weakly positive syphilis titer 1:16, serious?

Whether a weakly positive syphilis titer of 1:16 is serious or not cannot be generalized and the severity of the condition cannot be determined by this one titer value. Syphilis titer 1:16 is higher than normal, indicating the existence of syphilis infection, the number of viruses is relatively large, with a certain degree of contagiousness; syphilis weak positive titer 1:16 whether the seriousness of the following two situations;

1. not serious: if there is no combination of clinical symptoms, such as skin and mucous membrane damage, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular damage, bone and joint damage, internal organ system damage, etc., is not serious, but need to be actively treated, the use of penicillin intramuscular injections, can effectively control syphilis spirochetes, stopping the drug and regular review of syphilis serum antibody and titer; most patients with syphilis can achieve a clinical cure through active treatment.

2. serious: if syphilis weak positive titer 1:16 have skin mucous membrane changes, organ damage and so on is regarded as serious syphilis, need to actively seek medical treatment, advanced syphilis if not treated, will be a certain threat to life.

The syphilis weak positive titer 1:16, need to actively go to the hospital for treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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