What’s the pain in the front chest near the armpits?

Pain in the chest near the armpit may be caused by breast hyperplasia, lymph node enlargement and paratesticular breasts. 1. Breast hyperplasia and nodules: When there are symptoms of physiological hyperplasia and benign or malignant nodules in the breast, it may cause localized pain. 2. Enlarged lymph nodes: If there is fire or cold recently, it may cause the number of bacteria in the body to increase, which may cause the lymph nodes in the armpit area to become enlarged. 3. Associate breasts: If the hormone level in the body changes, when estrogen secretion is too high or the body is too obese, it may cause local symptoms of associate breasts, thus causing pain near the armpit area. It is recommended to go to the regular hospital in time, through the way of breast ultrasound to clarify the cause of timely treatment.

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