How long can you live with alveoli?

Pulmonary alveolus is pulmonary blisters, pulmonary blisters generally do not affect the life expectancy, no clinical or research data show how long the survival period of pulmonary blisters, need to be based on the degree of the patient’s condition and their own physical condition to decide. Lung blisters are caused by various reasons of alveolar cavity pressure rise, alveolar wall rupture, fused with each other, in the lungs to form a diameter greater than 1cm of air-containing cystic cavities, the fusion of small blisters can be formed into a large blisters, larger volume of blisters are easy to rupture, rupture after the formation of pneumothorax, resulting in acute respiratory distress and other symptoms. It may be life-threatening if the patient’s health is poor, the patient is older, there are many underlying diseases in the body, and the patient develops recurrent infections, hemoptysis, high fever, etc. If the patient’s health is relatively good or the degree of pulmonary herpes is not very serious, it is usually not life-threatening. Although pulmonary herpes is not life-threatening, it is easy to complicate spontaneous pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax and lung infections, therefore, pulmonary herpes need to consult a doctor in time, under the guidance of a professional physician, treatment, daily life, but also to avoid smoking, drinking, avoid strenuous activities.

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