What should I do if I have diarrhea, low fever, dizziness and weakness?

Diarrhea, low fever, dizziness and weakness may be caused by bacillary dysentery, gastrointestinal colds, acute gastroenteritis, etc., can be improved under the guidance of a doctor through general treatment, ciprofloxacin, montelukast, ibuprofen and other drugs.
1. Bacterial dysentery: the disease is mainly caused by Shigella intestinal infectious diseases, spread through the digestive tract, resulting in patients with such a situation, the patient should eat a reasonable diet, avoid eating stimulating food, increase the intake of water, but also under the guidance of the doctor, through the treatment of medication, commonly used drugs are ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, azithromycin and so on.
2. Gastrointestinal cold: the disease is caused by viral infection of gastrointestinal dysfunction, the patient should drink more water, maintain indoor air circulation, diet should be light, prohibit the consumption of spicy and stimulating food, but also through the use of montelukast, ibuprofen, levofloxacin, and other medications to carry out treatment.
3. Acute gastroenteritis: most of the disease is caused by viral or bacterial infections, patients should avoid contact with contaminated food and water, correct bad hygiene habits, maintain a good psychological state and adequate sleep, but also under the guidance of the doctor, take atropine, scopolamine, norfloxacin and other drugs for treatment.
It is recommended that patients go to a regular hospital, under the guidance of the doctor for relevant examinations, according to the specific results of the examination, targeted treatment, do not blindly use drugs, so as not to cause adverse effects on health.

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