What is the most effective way to relieve false contractions

False contractions are a physiological phenomenon and usually do not need to be treated. If false contractions are more frequent, you can rest appropriately and use some drugs to inhibit uterine contractions under the guidance of a doctor if necessary.
Generally women in late pregnancy, due to the uterus enlargement is more obvious, resulting in increased sensitivity of the uterus, easy to occur false contractions phenomenon. False contractions are relatively small in intensity and irregular, and do not cause the cervical canal to shorten or the uterine opening to dilate, so they generally do not need to be treated.
If false contractions are more frequent, pregnant women should pay attention to rest, usually after appropriate rest, false contractions will be relieved. If the false contractions are not relieved after rest, you can use some drugs to inhibit uterine contractions under the guidance of the doctor, such as magnesium sulfate or oral ritodrine hydrochloride tablets.

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