Ophiopogon lilies and goji berries taken together

Ophiopogon, lily of the valley and wolfberry taken together have the effect of nourishing yin and can be used to treat yin deficiency.
Ophiopogon is sweet, bitter and slightly cold in nature, with the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, benefiting the stomach and generating fluids, and clearing the heart and removing vexation, so it can be used to treat yin deficiency in the lungs, stomach and heart.
Lily is sweet and slightly cold in nature, and has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and tranquilizing the mind, and can be used to treat the heart and lungs in cases of yin deficiency.
The wolfberry is sweet and flat in nature, with the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney, benefiting the essence and brightening the eyes, and can be used to treat Yin deficiency of the liver and kidney.
Ophiopogon, lily of the valley, Chinese wolfberry together with the effect of nourishing yin, can be used for the treatment of yin deficiency syndrome, symptoms such as five heart heat (the heart of the two hands and the heart of the two feet hot, and conscious of the heart and chest hot (irritability and sultriness), night sweating (sleep sweating abnormally, waking up sweating stopped), hot flashes, and so on.
Adverse reactions to maitake, lily of the valley and wolfberry have not been clarified, and are contraindicated for those who are allergic to these drugs. The medication is recommended to be used under the guidance of a physician, do not self-medicate to avoid adverse reactions.

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