Tips for stopping a toothache right away that really work

Toothache immediately stop pain tips, generally does not work, and may even aggravate the condition, it is recommended that patients go to the dentist to deal with. There are many diseases that cause toothache, and it is necessary to choose the treatment method according to different diseases in order to effectively remove the toothache. Most of the so-called immediate pain relief tips in the folklore are based on blackmail and do not have the effect of treating the disease. For example, containing cold water in the presence of pulpitis may ease the pain, but there is no therapeutic effect, and it is also useless for other toothache. Clinically, the common diseases that cause toothache include pulpitis, wisdom tooth pericoronitis, periodontitis and other oral diseases, which are treated in completely different ways. For example, root canal treatment should be done for pulpitis, blind pocket rinsing and use of antibacterial drugs are needed for wisdom tooth pericoronitis, and scaling to remove tartar is needed for periodontitis. In addition, some systemic diseases can also cause toothache, such as some coronary heart disease patients may appear toothache, if not timely treatment and only for toothache treatment, not only ineffective, but also may have serious consequences. Therefore, after the occurrence of toothache, we should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause and receive treatment, in order to cure the disease fundamentally and avoid serious consequences.

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