What are the dietary contraindications for ten days after vocal polyp surgery?

Dietary contraindications for ten days after vocal polyp surgery include banning spicy and hard foods, and temporarily banning strong tea and carbonated beverages.
1. ten days after the vocal polyp surgery to avoid eating spicy, hard, fried and other stimulating foods, such as pepper, chili, kebabs, fried chicken, these are not conducive to the recovery of the mucosa of the vocal folds; part of the patient has gastroesophageal reflux, but also to avoid eating cold food, and abstain from drinking tea, carbonated beverages, etc., which is easy to cause gastroesophageal reflux stimulation of the vocal folds, is not conducive to the recovery of the condition.
2. The main thing after vocal polyp surgery is to pay attention to the vocal rest, avoid loud, frequent voice, can be appropriate to eat soft, easy to digest food.
In short, after surgery for vocal polyps need to follow the doctor’s instructions to standardize the diet, if there are symptoms of discomfort, it is recommended that the treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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