How to get rid of acne

Pimple is acne, there is no way to eradicate, but can be improved through general, drugs, physical and other aspects.
1. general: should develop good dietary habits, can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, reduce spicy stimulating greasy food, appropriate sports, so that the body sweat, can to a certain extent to take away the toxins in the body, so as to alleviate the symptoms of acne.
2. Drugs: you can choose to use Vitamin A acid cream, fusidic acid cream, oral isotretinoin soft capsule, tetracycline tablets and other drugs for treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor.
3. Physical: If the symptoms are more serious or if there is no obvious improvement in drug treatment, you can choose to carry out photodynamic therapy, laser therapy and other physical methods for treatment.
The use of drugs should be standardized under the guidance of a professional doctor, and should not be used without authorization, so as not to aggravate the skin lesions.

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