How to self-test for prostatitis

If you want to self-test for prostatitis, it is usually based mainly on clinical symptoms. The first thing to observe is whether the patient has the following clinical symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination, incomplete urination, waiting for urination, bifurcation of urination, thin urine line, white dripping from the urethra and other clinical symptoms of discomfort in urination. In addition, it is necessary to observe whether the patient has the following pain symptoms, such as painful symptoms in the lower abdomen or perineum, scrotum, groin area, etc. If the patient has these clinical symptoms, consider the possibility of prostatitis, it is recommended to go to a second or third-rate hospital urology male department for relevant examination to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to do urine routine, prostate fluid routine examination, and then further treatment according to the examination results.

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