What is lymphatic tuberculosis transmitted through?

Lymphatic tuberculosis refers to the presence of tuberculosis bacteria in lymph nodes, which is not infectious in itself, but because lymphatic fluid is circulating throughout the body, it will go to the respiratory tract and digestive tract, and the main ways of transmission of tuberculosis are respiratory transmission and digestive transmission, and of course, blood transmission. Patients with lymphatic tuberculosis should pay attention to the active treatment of tuberculosis, regular, adequate and full course of combined medication, and the intake of rich and nutritious food, such as high-quality protein, green vegetables, fruits, walnuts, etc., to improve the body’s resistance, and also pay proper attention when living with family members. If you are considering active tuberculosis, for example, you need to wear a mask when sneezing, share meals, and separate accommodation if necessary, especially if you have children, you also need to separate laundry to prevent cross-infection.

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