How to Treat Kidney Stones with Chicken Nei Jin

Jin Nei Jin is often used in combination with Jin Cao Cao, Hai Jin Sha, Shi Wei, Che Qian Zi, Licorice, Talcum, and Chuan Niu Knee in the treatment of kidney stones. Kidney stone belongs to the category of “stone shower” and “sand shower” in Chinese medicine, which is mainly caused by the accumulation of dampness and heat (dampness and heat evils accumulate with each other in the body) and the deficiency of kidneys. Treatment is often based on the principles of clearing heat and removing dampness (removing heat and dampness from the body), dissolving and removing stones, inducing diuresis and diuresis (improving the problem of dribbling in the urine and urinating in small quantities), and tonifying the kidney qi as well as invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis (promoting the blood’s circulation and eliminating blood stasis in the body).
Chicken Nei Jin has the effect of promoting lymphatic drainage and stone dissolution, and is good at digesting gravel; Qian Wei Cao and Hai Jin Sha have the effects of clearing heat and inducing diuresis, promoting lymphatic drainage and eliminating stones, and relieving pain; Psyllium, Talcum has the function of promoting diuresis and seepage of dampness (to promote the operation of water and liquid to eliminate dampness); Bovine Hyssop can tonify the liver and kidneys, and activate blood circulation to remove blood stasis, and all the medicines can dredge the waterway and regulate the circulation of qi and blood when used in combination. Kidney stone patients taking Chinese medicine should be under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, individuals should not take medication on their own, so as not to affect the health of the body.

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