Is blood creatinine 109 μmol/L serious?

Blood creatinine 109μmol/L is a mild elevation, which is not serious if it is caused by physiological reasons such as strenuous exercise or eating a large amount of meat; if it is caused by pathological conditions such as chronic nephritis and urinary stones, then it is more serious and requires active treatment.
Creatinine, as a metabolite in the body, mainly reflects the muscle content and kidney condition in the body. Generally, creatinine is produced during muscle movement, so people with more muscle content will have higher creatinine value. Kidney filtration is the main way to excrete creatinine, and creatinine value will rise when there is some damage to the kidneys.
Generally, the blood creatinine value is about 53-106μmol/L for men and 44-97μmol/L for women, and at this time, the blood creatinine of 109μmol/L belongs to the mildly elevated. It is necessary to determine whether it is a physiological cause or a pathological condition to determine the severity of the disease.
If it is caused by physiological reasons such as strenuous exercise, eating a lot of meat, muscular development, etc., it is not serious and requires regular checkups; if it is caused by pathological reasons such as diseases (chronic nephritis, hypertensive nephropathy, urinary tract infections, urinary stones), etc., it is more serious and requires active treatment.
If the blood creatinine value is elevated, it is recommended to consult a regular hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment.

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