Baby grow tall three elements of adequate nutrition

  In our clinic, we often encounter many parents who bring their children to consult about the problem of “not growing or slow growth”. In addition to the short stature caused by real diseases or genetic height deficiency, there are also many problems caused by nutritional imbalance or deficiency. Today we will talk about one of the “three elements of growing taller”, “adequate nutrition”.  As the standard of living in the city continues to improve, the growth of children appeared two extremes, some “fat body fat”, but also “thin bones”. Both are signs of unbalanced nutrition, which can easily lead to imbalance in the growth of children during the “growth period”. How can children eat well and grow well? 1, good eating habits First, good eating habits are important. Many parents in order to let children eat more, often forcing children to eat this and that, to supplement the east and west, and even when children appear partial food, refuse to eat, and take wishes, coaxing, reprimanding, scolding, etc., to force children to eat, the results, often leading to children’s rebellious mood and fear, aversion to eating, and over time it is easy to cause malnutrition, so that the physical and mental health of children in the growth and development period is affected In the long run, it is easy to cause malnutrition, so that the physical and mental health of children in the growth period is affected. Therefore, when a child is paranoid and refuses to eat, it is not necessary to force him to eat. Parents must be based on the characteristics of the child’s growth and development, to find the reasons why children do not like to eat, combined with the specific circumstances, the scientific formulation of recipes and reasonable meal arrangements, to establish a rule of hunger and satiety for children, in order to make children have a sense of hunger, should do three meals a day at regular intervals, do not give snacks to fill the stomach for fear of hunger because a meal is not full. Get enough sleep, live a regular life, go outdoors more often, such as playing games, walking, swimming, etc. will increase the child’s hunger. And to create a good appetite for children to stimulate the child’s dining environment, so that children in a happy mood, eat with relish. Do not use language such as “do not eat food to get sick and injections” to scare children, so that children have a fear of eating food and boredom. Also to have fiddling with food and do not eat children, do not severely reproach, but should be more patient help, so that the child to build the confidence of conscious eating.  2, balanced diet principle in the adolescent development period to ensure that the basic principle of children’s growth and development is a balanced diet, in addition to ensure that the amount of various nutrients adequate, pay attention to the reasonable mix of diet and diversification, in the dietary structure, there should be sweet and salty, meat and vegetables, coarse and fine. Eat milk, fish, eggs, nutrition, although good, but easy to constipation; eat vegetables and fruits alone, not only easy hunger can also lead to malnutrition. Milk sugar, chocolate, melons and fruits all day long, will disrupt the rule of hunger and satiety, affecting digestive function and reducing appetite. Therefore, the diet must be balanced not to lose the other. 3, to ensure the intake of protein and calcium children’s diet, protein should not be less than 20% of the total daily calorie intake, animal protein accounted for 1/3-1/2 of the intake of protein, eat more soy products, 13-18 years old, the daily protein intake needs to be more than 80 grams. Daily staple food intake during puberty development is not less than 500 grams/day. Daily calcium intake is about 1000-1200 mg. Dairy products, fish, and soy products are ideal foods to supplement calcium. Eat more vegetables and fruits as appropriate.  It is also important not to use adult standards of color and flavor to measure and evaluate the good and bad of children’s diet.

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