Consequences of taking Compound Xuanju Oral Liquid for Yin deficiency

Yin deficiency is not recommended to take Compound Xuanju Oral Liquid may aggravate the symptoms of yin deficiency such as warmth in the heart of the hands and feet, and a burst of heat in the body.
The main ingredients of Compound Xuanju Oral Liquid are black ants, Epimedium, wolfberry, snakebite, honey, it has the effect of warming the kidney and strengthening the yang, tonifying essence and blood, mainly used for the treatment of kidney yang deficiency. Warm herbs such as Epimedium will aggravate the condition of patients with yin deficiency, so patients with yin deficiency and fire are not suitable to take Compound Xuanjiao Oral Liquid.
This is because patients with yin deficiency may aggravate the symptoms of yin deficiency after taking it, such as five heart-heat (heat in the hearts of the hands and feet, and self-consciousness of irritability and stuffiness in the heart and chest), bone vaporization and tidal heat (a burst of heat, feeling that the heat is penetrating from inside the bones to the outside), lumbar and knee pain and weakness, and night sweating (abnormal sweating after going to sleep, and stopping of sweating after waking up), etc., and it may be counter-productive, so special attention should be paid to it.
If you have a deficiency of Yin or other physical discomfort, you need to go to a regular hospital in a timely manner, in accordance with the doctor’s diagnosis and identification of the prescription for treatment, do not take medication on your own, so as not to delay the condition and damage to the organism.

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