How to treat a baby with a meaty bump on the nipple

The baby nipple has a meat bump may be warts, sebaceous cysts, lipomas, etc., can be applied locally salicylic acid, if ineffective or larger bumps need surgical excision treatment. 1. warts: is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, manifested in the skin surface superfluous organisms, that is, we see bumps, this has a certain degree of contagiousness, part of the local application of potassium hydroxide, salicylic acid and other drugs, freezing, laser, electrocautery, if not effective need to be surgically removed. 2. Sebaceous cysts: a benign skin lesion in which sebum gradually accumulates to form cysts, manifested as sebaceous cysts formed by blockage of sebaceous glands on the surface of the nipple, which can also lead to the nipple appearing as a small meatball protruding protruding from the center of the surface will be a small pigmented spot, and there will be material overflow when squeezed. Mainly through surgical treatment, so as to completely remove the cysts, if the cysts are infected, you need to carry out anti-infection drug treatment, and then surgical resection. 3. Lipoma: Lipoma grows in the nipple area, which will also be manifested as lumps of flesh, mainly manifested as single, round or lobular soft lumps, with clear boundary, slow growth and rarely malignant transformation, which can occur in any part of the adipose tissue, and is most common in the surface of the body and the breasts. If the lump is not big, no special treatment is needed. If the lump is big and compresses the surrounding tissues, or even affects the function of the breast or secondary cancer, early surgical excision is needed to treat it.

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