What is painless blood leaking from the urethra in women?

Painless blood seepage from female urethra generally refers to painless blood in urine in women, mostly caused by urinary system tumor, menstruation, urethral caruncle and so on. 1. Urinary system tumor: women suffer from urinary system tumors such as bladder tumor and kidney tumor. When the tumor itself ruptures and bleeds, or causes the surrounding mucous membrane to rupture and bleed, it can cause painless blood in urine. 2. Menstruation: Due to the physiological structure, female vagina and urethra are adjacent to each other, which may be mistaken as urethral bleeding during menstruation. 3. Urethral caruncle: Urethral caruncle is a benign polypoid organism at the end of the female urethra, usually located behind the urethral opening. It can be manifested as urinary frequency and urinary distraction, or there may be no obvious symptoms, some patients may have contact bleeding, such as contact, friction can be caused by the female urethra oozing blood. There are many reasons for painless blood oozing from the female urethra, and it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to avoid delaying the condition.

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